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Transmission Line Products

Innovative Technologies That Support Simplified Installation & Adjustment

Southern States ES-1 family of side-break transmission switches comes in one-way, two-way, and three-way configurations whose patented collapsible frame assembly and contact geometry can help to reduce average installation times by 50%. In addition, vertical and center break unitized designs are available along with fully customized “Substations in the Sky” where equipment can be tailored to meet a wide range of applications. 

ES-1 Transmission Line Switches

Unitized Switches

Substation in the Sky

Vertical Break Switches

Center Break Switches

Double End Break Switches

Side Break Switches

Manual & Motor Operators

Magnetically Actuated Close Indicator (MACI ®)

Switch Interrupter Attachments

AVS-1 & AV-1 Auxiliary Switches

Smart Solutions & Sensors