Innova SDS – The Need for Speed!
The Innova SDS can automatically assist in shedding
nonessential loads as quick as a ½ cycle—faster than
other technologies.
Innova SDS Benefits
This state-of-the-art Sub-cycle Transfer Switch designed to keep your operations running seamlessly, even in the face of voltage fluctuations offers the following benefits:
Maximize Network Resilence
Enhance network resilience with our solution featuring the fastest MV power transfer available, programmable and self-monitoring capabilities, and versatile fault detection in both three-phase and single-phase configurations. Built on proven technology, it ensures swift responses to faults, maximizing resilience.
Empower Higher Levels of Protection and Productivity
Silicon Power’s Innova™ SDS (Sub‐cycle Disconnect Switch) is a power distribution solution that maximizes the resilience of your power network, empowering higher levels of protection and productivity.
Low Operating Costs
Opt for our solution to enjoy low operating costs thanks to its design featuring no mechanical contactors to wear out, air-cooling system, and absence of heat exchangers or plumbing for maintenance. Additionally, there’s no need for cooling liquids, further reducing operational expenses.
We revolutionize energy distribution with our innovative approach. The SDS is a perfect application for:


Data Centers


Oil and Gas

Industrial Loads

Telecommunication Centers
Operating principle
The Innova STS Detects sags, swells, momentary and sustained interruptions, and can automatically assist in shedding nonessential loads as quick as a ½ cycle, faster than other technologies.