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Upgrades & Retrofits

Get More Out of What You Have

switcher installedWould your existing switch meet your current application requirements if any of the following could be achieved?

  • Reliable, repeatable operation
  • Upgraded to a higher ampere rating
  • Integrated ground switch added
  • Load break capability added
  • Accessories added (such as quick break whip type arcing horns, a vertical pipe actuated auxiliary switch, a motor operator, etc.)

Would your existing circuit switcher meet your current application requirements if greater reliability could be achieved and/or it could be upgraded to a higher fault interrupting rating?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then turn to Southern States for your solution. Our Service Division has the experience and expertise to develop and provide a customized solution for your retrofit & upgrade requirements that can offer significant savings in outage time and labor costs compared to total equipment replacement.

These upgrade & retrofit solution can encompass much more than providing just the parts and engineering solution. Southern States can also help implement these solutions by providing any combination of the following:

  • Project Management
  • On-site installation, adjustment or commissioning assistance
  • Turnkey installation

Southern States is the place to turn for help evaluating when a switching products life cycle is complete or if, with an engineered retrofit or upgrade, you can continue using this switching asset for the foreseeable future reliably and within your application requirements.