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Your People with our Experience

Are you scheduled to receive a newly purchased type of equipment that you don’t have any experience in either installing or operating?

Has your company acquired existing assets that are new to your O&M team?

Do you seem to be spending a disproportionate amount of time and/or money adjusting or re-adjusting the same type of equipment?

Southern States Service manpower excels at performing both hands-on and classroom style training sessions on any piece of switching equipment. We can perform each custom designed training session at either a customer’s site or at our manufacturing facility.


Our custom packaged training sessions can cover the following Southern States topics:

  • Any style group operated disconnect switch
  • Vertical or horizontal circuit switchers
  • CapSwitcher
  • Reactor Switcher
  • Disconnect switch mounted interrupters
  • Motor operators
  • Assembly and installation drawings
  • Electrical control schematics
  • Switch or interrupter design

Contact Southern States and see how sharing our knowledge and experience helps you maintain a qualified operation and maintenance team.